After School Options for 2023-2024

There are two options for after school childcare through LAUSD's Beyond the Bell Program.  The Beyond the Bell programs are funded by grants to LAUSD for 2023-2024 and are provided at no charge to families.
Youth Services - students 2nd - 5th grade only
To enroll with Youth Services, use the form on this page and turn in to the Lanai Road main office.
Boys and Girls Club - students K - 5th grade:
To enroll with the Boys and Girls Club (BGC) use the BGC Parent Portal:
Click on Register.
Once you have entered your child's information click on the Enroll tab.
Child's name will be on the "member to enroll" drop down.
Club/Unit: Lanai Road Elementary
Click on Afterschool Program 2023-2024
Click continue to step 2 and add to cart.
Proceed to check out and agree to terms/conditions.
Process enrollment.
Complete a New Beyond the Bell form for the Boys and Girls Club grant program (can be found on this page to the right)