Local Leadership Council (LLC)

LLC Logo
The Local Leadership Council has the following functions and responsibilities:
Staff Development Program
    • PD aligned to instructional outcomes
    • LLC discusses and approves 50% of the scheduled PDs 
    • Collaborates with stakeholders to determine needs
    • Collaborates in scheduling the approved PDs
Student Discipline and Code of Student Conduct
    • LLC discusses and approves the School Behavior/Discipline Policy
    • Collaborates with stakeholders regarding needs while developing and/or reviewing the plan
    • Monitors the plan to determine effectiveness
Schedule of school activities and events, and special schedules (e.g., final exam schedules and schedules designed to accommodate additional preparation time for elementary teachers)
Guidelines for Use of School Equipment, Including the Copy Machine
    • Develops procedures and schedules for school-wide technology
    • Develops guidelines for staff use of copiers
    • Monitors procedures in place and adjust as needed 
2023-2024 LLC MEMBERS
Mario Thompson, Principal
Kara Royal, UTLA Rep
Kristen Bryan, Teacher
Mileile Byrne, Teacher
Miki Chase, Teacher
Ingrid Colon, Teacher
Monica Fulford, Teacher
Tara Quist, Classified
Kimia Sehati Harouni, Parent
Julie Kotler, Parent
Marissa Leitner, Parent
Suzy Robins, Parent