Traffic and Safety


  • Enter southbound on Lanai Road only. No left turn for northbound traffic. The driveway is an official Fire Lane. No parking, stopping or U-Turns. Proceed with caution.
  • Strictly adhere to all posted signs, traffic laws.
  • NO CELL PHONE USE in the Drop-Off line and NO DOGS are allowed on campus or in the drop-off line (campus boundaries begin at the edge of the public sidewalk).
  • Abuse or antagonism of volunteers or crossing guards will not be tolerated.
  • Parking on campus is for staff only. Drivers with handicap placards are an exception and may utilize any open handicap parking spot.
  • ALL persons dropping off your child(ren) must adhere to these rules. It is your responsibility to communicate the rules with them and ensure their compliance.


  • Prepare your student(s) before entering the driveway. All bags, projects, and other student items should be accessible inside the vehicle, either on the seats or the floor. No items should be placed in the trunk.
  • Children must be emotionally and physically ready to exit the vehicle without assistance.
  • Once instructed to stop, place your vehicle in PARK and activate the emergency brake. Volunteers will not open doors unless they deem it safe to do so.
  • Only students may exit the vehicle from the passenger side of the vehicle. Drivers and other non-student passengers must remain in the vehicle.


  • Once instructed by a volunteer, proceed safely through the Lanai driveway, yield to pedestrians and exit the Lanai driveway in accordance with the posted signs.


Do not double park and call your child into the street. Take the time to keep all of our children safe. All kindergarten students must be picked up by a designated adult from their teacher. You are encouraged to pick up students in 2nd through 5th grade after 3:00 p.m. in order to ease the traffic jam at dismissal. Students may wait at the lunch tables during this time or you may instruct them to play on the yard until 3:00 p.m. At 3:05 p.m. all children still waiting to be picked up will be directed to the upper playground for supervision.


We are asking all Lanai parents to make a special effort to enhance the safety of our children in the afternoon. Our program is called PAWS (Park and Walk for Safety.) It may take an extra 5 or 10 minutes per day, but when you Park and Walk, you help ensure the safety of all of our children. So, please, take five or ten minutes each day to park legally and walk safely. Put aside your worries about getting to the doctor, soccer or baseball practice, the ballet lesson, etc., and help set an example that our children will remember and learn from. When you participate in the PAWS Program, you make a contribution to the school in the time you give when safely picking up your child. Unless it is absolutely imperative, please pick up your 2nd through 5th graders after 3:00pm when congestion has cleared. If you must pick up your child when school is letting out, we are urging you to park on the surrounding streets where it is legal to do so and walk in to get your child. Park and Walk.


As we begin the new school year, please remind your children about safety issues. Remind your children not to talk to strangers. The Los Angeles Police Department has instituted a video program in school neighborhoods. They will cite people who violate traffic and parking laws around the school. Please follow the law and avoid a ticket. Please be respectful to our neighbors.