Lanai Road Elementary School’s Physical Education program began in January, 2005 in an effort to meet California State Board of Education standards. Studies show that schools with strong P.E. programs not only have healthier students, but perform better overall on academics. Although elementary P.E. is a state mandated part of all school curricula, state funding is not provided for P.E. Teachers and programming. Friends of Lanai Booster funds a P.E. Teacher for this very important program. Students attend P.E. classes weekly, both with their classroom as well as their entire grade level. A robust volunteer system is in place to assist the P.E. coach during instruction. The comprehensive curriculum focuses on movement skills and movement skills and knowledge, self-image, personal development and teamwork. Innovative methods of engaging students and progressively building on their skill level, regardless of athletic ability, are employed throughout the school year. The program culminates in Fifth Grade when students are challenged to reach or surpass benchmark standards of the Presidential Youth Fitness Program and the California Physical Fitness Test and FITNESSGRAM®.