After School Childcare
Childcare Options

Peak Adventure Care (TK-5th)
By parent request, we are thrilled to announce that Peak Adventure will be at our Lanai campus for the 24-25 school year. This paid after-school and enrichment program caters to TK-5th grade students, offering flexible pick-up times and enrollment, along with a low supervisor-to-student ratio (14:1). Students enrolled in Adventure Care will be escorted from their classrooms to their designated campus location by the Adventure Care team at dismissal. Enrolled students benefit from daily homework help and engaging in structured activities. Please refer to the registration packet for details on pricing, enrollment options, and discounts. Peak Adventure provides sibling discounts and reduced rates for enrichment programs. To register for Peak Adventure, click the button below for the registration packet and further instructions.

The district provides parents with a grant-funded program (no charge) for TK to 5th grade students that ends at 6:00 pm. For the 2024-2025 school year BGC will serve as our grant-funded program enrolling students from TK to 5th grade. During this time, they will receive assistance with homework during the Power Hour and then engage in recreation and planned activities facilitated by the BGC team.
Due to the grant funding, BGC has limited flexibility regarding early pick-ups and absences. Students in the program are expected to attend every school day and remain in the program until 6:00 pm. Any early pick-ups or missed days must be requested beforehand and have grant-required paperwork that keeps the program free for parents.
To enroll with the Boys and Girls Club (BGC) use the button below to access the BGC Parent Portal.
- Click on Register.
- Once you have entered your child's information click on the Enroll tab.
- Child's name will be on the "member to enroll" drop down.
- Club/Unit: Lanai Road Elementary
- Click on Afterschool Program 2023-2024
- Click continue to step 2 and add to cart.
- Proceed to check out and agree to terms/conditions.
- Process enrollment.
In addition, complete the Boys and Girls Club Beyond the Bell form and return it in person to the BGC program at school.
Supervised Recreation

Beyond the Bell: Youth Services (4th & 5th)
As part of the grant-funded programs required by the district, Youth Services will continue at Lanai, however, Youth Services will exclusively enroll 4th and 5th-grade students for the 2024-2025 school year. Youth Services is a supervised recreation program that does not provide structured activities or enrichment. Homework help is available if students ask the coach. Fourth and Fifth-grade students participating in Youth Services should demonstrate responsibility and independence. To enroll in Beyond the Bell: Youth Services, complete the form below and submit it to the Lanai Road main office.